The Ocean – Year 5

In Year 5 this term, we have been 'Architects of a Better World' in every English lesson as a result of our writing unit. The ocean is our entire topic, which, based on the size of it, is not an easy task to write about!

Firstly, we conducted individual research on how amazing the ocean is, trying to find facts that would fill the reader with awe and wonder. What we realised however, was that it wasn't just the reader who was going to be inspired, but ourselves too! We realised how fantastic the ocean is: from its size to its beauty and utility for all of humanity. However, not all is perfect with the ocean... it is currently under threat.

Our second round of research focused on information relating to problems facing the ocean. Interesting and crucial information was discovered regarding overfishing, light pollution, coral bleaching and more.

We realised that we were all to blame, but through our power of persuasive writing, we can act on this and find solutions. Soon we will be researching these solutions and trying to make a positive impact on our community, both small and global. If Greta Thunburg can do it, why not someone from our own Year 5 at Sinclair?


A very big thank you!


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